Submit your feedback

Thank you for participating in OGT-2024.
Complete our short survey to help us to improve the quality of our future events.

Please provide the following information:

1. How would you rate the quality of the agenda & speakers throughout the day?



2. Did you find the sessions at OGT-2024 insightful and informative?

Not insightful and informative at all

Extremely insightful and informative

3. How would you rate the quality of presentations throughout the conference?



4. How easy did you find the sign up process to OGT-2024?

Not easy at all

Extremely easy

5. How did you find the quality of Live Streaming ?

Not responsive and smooth at all

Extremely responsive and smooth

6. Do you have any comments on how we could improve the sign-up process?

7. How satisfied are you with the venue and facilities of the event? (for physical presence participants)

Not satisfied at all

Fully satisfied

8. How would you rate the quality of catering services throughout the conference? (for physical presence participants)



9. How satisfied are you with the quality of the networking opportunities?

Not satisfied at all

Fully satisfied

10. How did you find the quality of Post Conference support?



11. How likely are you to recommend OGT to a colleague or friend?

Not at all likely

Extremely likely

12. Are there any additional comments you have on how we could improve for future events?

Thank you for your feedback!